Talk:Main Page

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Discussion Points:

Tyler Fox: Discussion Points for Bias of Communication

A new medium will lead to a new civilization, or forms of civilization (p 34)

- with each new medium introduced, Innis tries to show the accompanying cultural shift (often through government)

- media shapes the users

Media Bias is an emphasis on the culture's relationship to time and space (p 33), directly relates to material qualities

- Material restrictions of media, for instance clay is relatively heavy when compared to papyrus, where papyrus is fragile compared to parchment

- Material limits of production, the limited supply of papyrus led to the use of parchment by the Romans (p 47)

Media can become a unit (vector) of control through the following (each allows for different kinds of censorship or privileging of information - bias.

- Efficiency

- Standardization

- Translation (both linguistically, and from one medium to another)